01 September 2013

Do you have a two-headed Blue?

Coullah and Zoë do their best 'two-headed dog' impersonation

Us Blue folk know that we each have the BEST looking dog, right?  Why not gloat?  Send us those fabulous photos - high res works best - cell phone pics don't work that well.  Your Blue could be the calendar cover!!  Or perhaps you have Mr. May sitting on your patio right now or maybe you even have Miss March chewing on your flip-flop?  We love receiving photos, so send them our way!

And, don't forget, the 2014 Blue Picardy Calendar is the perfect stocking stuffer!!  I know, I know Christmas is months away - but let's face it, its September - time is ticking.  Order details will be posted in October.

So here's what you gotta do in 5 easy steps:
  1. Find a photogenic Blue Picardy Spaniel (should be easy);
  2. Get your camera and take a picture (consult your user guide on how to use your camera)
  3. Turn on your computer (Is it plugged in? )
  4. Log into your email account
  5. Attach your photos to your message (Please let us know the 'deets' on your Blue - name, age and whatever else you want to say) and send to:  bluepicardy1@gmail.com  or zoeandcoullah@gmail.com
Easy-peasy, huh??   Questions? Send them this way too!  We're looking forward to your photos!

Coullah strikes a pose for the 2014 calendar


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