29 May 2011

10 Things to love about Coullah

It's hard to believe that Coullah has been with us over a month now. She has fit in so wonderfully with our family, it seems like she's been with us forever.

Everyday, we find something new to love about our little BPS. Here are 10 things to love about her:

1. Babbling. Yes, she speaks - kinda hums to herself and to us! She natters away when she first gets up in the morning, when she's alone in a room and when we come home at night.

2. Her walking gait. Coullah walks very differently than Zoë. Zoë almost prances along, Coullah plods...'doop, doop, doop'!! It is especially exaggerated when she's in full sniffing mode!

 3. Her bedtime. Same time everynight. 8:30-9:00pm. She just gets up and goes to bed. Plain and simple.

4. Her big brown eyes. She has the most beautiful eyes - must lighter than Zoë. Big, brown expressive eyes - alot like her momma, Marne.  Doesn't she look alot like her mom??

Lovely Marné
5. She loves being groomed. Coullah just relaxes - and almost fell asleep.

6. Her playfullness. Coullah loves to play - especially with Zoë's things!! Sometimes, Zoë will bring a toy over and just give it to Coullah, sit back and watch her play with it. (Zoë is such a good dog!!)

7. Belly rubs. Coullah greets us by laying on her back for a belly rub. She'll stretch her back legs out for the ultimate massage while she curls her front legs into her chest. She loves getting her rubs!!

8. She's great on leash!!!! Yahoo!! Kypros and I have a new rule (well, it's my rule, Kypros doesn't like it much!!): I walk Coullah and he has to take Zoë "the ultimate pulling machine"!!!

9. She already has a bunch of nicknames: Cools, Cooler, Baby C, Coulio, Coullah-moullah, Cou-cou.... embarrassing but true!!

10. She is the ultimate sweetheart!! What a super snuggler she is! Coullah is the sweetest dog you'd ever imagine. She is so gentle and just wants to crash out with you during a movie night or on the bed. Coullah likes to be close and will snuggle up tight, or rest her head on your lap. She's an angel for sure!

Beautiful Coullah