25 April 2011

Our Zoë

We took a big chance today.
We went out for about 3 hours.
Dogs....loose in the house.
We came up with a bunch of scenarios:

We'd need a new sofa
We'd have no shoes left
Our living room rug would be in pieces
Our coffee tables would be reduced to wood chips....

As we approached the house, we saw a couple of flashing lights in the distance.... Kypros let out an audible "Oh-oh...".  We laughed when we saw that it was a back-hoe making its way down our street.

We imagined that the dogs were in the house making sandwiches, playing poker....

The key went in the door.  Inside??



The casualties?  A towel.  One beat up sandal.
We are so proud of our babysitter:  Zoë.  She is the world's best dog, paws down!

We love you baby!!

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