17 May 2010

A comment from the Blog Author

Bonjour everyone!

Recently, I have received some unsolicited comments in regards to my blog.  Apparently, not only is it NOT funny, but it isn't even well-written.  Matter-of-fact, my writing skills are less than desirable.  And my prose shows no sign of talent.  Oh, yeah, I forgot, it isn't even newspaper-worthy because sentences don't lead to the reader wanting more.  And... (phew!), the photos are completely uninteresting and if seen by a bus patron, he or she would run screaming from the bus in sheer boredom.

It would be easy taking criticism from a published author, an editor or respected reporter from a National paper or even from a University Professor.  My critic is none of these things in real life - just in their own mind.

Alas and despite these comments, I will continue to blog.  My critic can choose not to read it.  I humbly suggest that my critic stick to playing guitar in department stores. From pointing out weaknesses, comes strength, n'est'ce pas?  

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.

--Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961)


White Dog said...

I enjoy your blog. Perhaps your critic doesn't understand that it is supposed to entertain your friends with stories of Zoe's daily adventures, not appear in a newspaper or on a bus.I find it very witty at times too. Keep it up.

Tinley said...

I think your blog is wonderful, well written, cute and captures the spirit of a Blue! Please keep blogging!,

Susan said...

Thanks Tinley!

I do appreciate the comment and hope that you continue to enjoy the Blue Blog!