26 June 2011

Part One: Coullah and the Gang!!

This weekend, Brighthope Kennels and it's "fan club" hit Pawsway - Harbourfront, Toronto.  The Duncans were invited to participate in a show highlighting the French breeds.  The fan club - Kim, Pat, Terry, Kypros and I also headed down avec our dogs to promote this wonderful breed.  Here are a few picture highlights of our day at the water:

Heading to Harbourfront!

Brighthope Kennels: Vicki and Dave Duncan
(Smile, Dave!!!!)

Dapper looking, well.... dapper!!

Vicki takes the floor and presents "Dapper" to the audience

Some of the Brighthope gang!

(L to R): Suede, Dax, Zoë, Coullah and Ciron
Their people: Pat, Kim, Kypros and Terry.

Ciron's moment to shine

Stay tuned for more adventures from our day along with an upcoming Special Event for Brighthope families!!!!

Is your Blue Picardy picture perfect!?!?!?!?!?  Details to follow....