18 May 2011

Where is the sun?????

It's been raining for DAYS.   It's gloomy.  It's muddy.  It has to end sometime, doesn't it?

I think we're all in need of some sunshine.  In the meantime, I like to think of just a week or so ago and how absolutely exquisite our apricot tree looked and smelled...just like a little piece of heaven

During these rainy, dark days, it's also great to see our two Blues playing in the backyard.  Coullah is definitely our snuggly, 'house' dog.  Zoë likes to go out no matter what the weather.  Coullah will take one look outside and turnaround and go relax on the sofa - Zoë is full speed ahead.  She is proud of showing up back at the door covered in dirt and mud, always with a satisfied grin.

Right now, as I type, Coullah is completely stretched out on the sofa, mumbling to herself now and then (a topic for another day!!) while Zoë sits on the floor below chewing on a toy.  Coullah winds down and is ready for bed around 8:30 everynight.  Zoë can be more of a night owl - but usually takes herself to bed around 10 pm or so.

Anyhow, more about our Blues in the next post, but until then, here's a picture from sunnier days:

Our two Blues - May 2011

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