09 March 2010

Favourite Thing #2


Yes, shocking, isn't it?  Zoë has always taken a real interest in our tree-dwelling, nut-eating bushy-tailed friends.  Zoë's MO for squirrel huntin':

1.  Find a squirrel
2.  Stare at it from a distance
3.  S-l-o-w-l-y approach.  If the squirrel looks at you, freeze!
4.  Repeat step 3
5.  Repeat step 4
6.  S-l-o-w-l-y lift one of your legs off the ground (even a hind leg will do)
7. Hold this pose until you see something more interesting.  Like tomorrow's favourite thing.....

Now, we let Zoë do this, but we would NEVER let her even come close to actually catching one.  Although she is a hunting dog, we only encourage hunting for dog treats, old socks and other treasures.

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