What defines Bray Lake??
The Blue Jays
The Loons
The Fishing
The Quiet Nights
Cottage country in July. The sound of water lapping on shore. The call of the loon. This, my friends is Bray Lake.
The surrounding woods was a playground for Zoë. We were impressed that she didn't stray too far from us and came when she was called - well, most of the time.
She was very interested in all of the furry forest critters - rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels... all with quick getaway strategies! It seemed like a couple of the squirrels were taunting her. They would sit just out of reach and chatter away at her, then move to another branch.
Although she had her kibble and treats, there are some things a Picardy cannot resist: corn cob husks, lake grasses and raspberries off the bush.
Night time was interesting. She was very restless dispite all of the day activities and spent a good amount of time with her nose pressed to the window screens. Little critters darting about - and maybe some bigger ones as well - peaked her attention until she would finally fall asleep.
We can't wait for another Bray Lake adventure!